Dominion of Man over all Law

According to the Holy Bible we as man were given dominion over all the earth as per Genesis 1:26-28 - King James Version. To quote the verse it says:
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Dominion means to rule. Thus through God's will each one of us has the right to make our own choices about all aspects of our lives and our relation to earth and all it's creatures, without any outside interference. In other words we are all equal to each other and all of earth is our home. In that we are all equal to each other it is God's will that we gain permission from each other if we are to do things, which may harm or impede others in their lives. Further no one individual may harm the earth in any way as we are commanded to replenish it, not to destroy it.
In essence Dominion means to love one another when it is shared and to care for that which is given to us as a gift, being all the earth. Love comes from God as God puts no limits on us as to what we can do and experience within the context of love. Now we can operate outside of love and do harm to one another and the earth, but the consequences of doing so affect not only those we harm, but those doing the harm and their generations their in. In many cases the Bible describes how curses are brought onto those who violate the dominion of others. The effects can be so sever that God himself must move to Judgement and destroy those doing the harm for the sake and well being of those that are good and the earth itself.
By now you might be lifting up your eyes a bit an having a look around and seeing how badly this contrasts with the world today. In the world we have every law imaginable all designed to curtail your dominion and freedom for the most part. Not only that there are laws that prevent you from stopping the destruction of the earth and the consolidation of power and wealth into the hands of the few over the many. The closer you are to God the more clear this gets and it is God's will that you may be in the world but not of it. Those that are dead remain tightly within the world, which there is no life, but only the worship of death. This is the foundation of all legal systems throughout the world, including Sharia Law as it's focus is not on life, but on death. Death to all those who do not obey the masters of the world. Yet it is completely self evident that no one has any provable authority over anyone else. How does one prove where they get their authority from and further where does anyone prove that they have the right to give away their authority and thus dominion?
To get around this simple truth the world as it were looks for ways to trick people into giving acceptance to following the rules of man or some fictional entity being a Country or Deity, in order gain tacit agreement with you, so they may rule over you. This goes on to such an extent most people in power, have little knowing of what they do against God's will as they want power over most anything else. They are so self deluded and narcissistic that they will use any lie or outright intimidation to force their will on others in absence of the self evident truth before them.
I find that you can shut them down for the most part and maintain your dominion, so long as you do not seek to have power over others, but only to have power over your on self determined destiny purposed by God as we serve God through abiding in his will. Are you beginning to understand how anti-God the world truly is? The world ultimately is about worshiping Lucifer and doing that which is evil. The Court systems are set up to reward the overseers of evil, not so much to protect the people from evil. The amount of money generated from Court cases that enriches the ruling class is beyond measure for the most part. You have a slave population whom have no knowledge of the millions of laws before them all in the name of keeping people safe from all kinds of harmful situations, yet the ruling class gets a cut of everything that goes on through their courts. If everyone worked off the will of God in that we all had dominion, there would be complete peace and love throughout the world, but so few know about this and lesser still even apply it.
Clearly I can see why Yahusha said that those of us who love the truth would be the most hated of the world. It is self evident that no one has any authority to tell anyone else what he or she should or should not do so long as it doesn't violate God's will. Ultimately we are commanded to love one another by God, which is also self evident, since when we do this we have peace, prosperity for all and no ill will against anyone. Notice how leaders find it easy to force their will on others, yet when to told no, they get all angry and try to trick people into something or even start a war over the stupidest things to get what they want. That's mature eh?
So you can see this better the world is made up of fiction and God's Kingdom is made up of love and truth. The struggle put before you is to separate yourself from the world and thus the fiction and move more deeply into love and truth. Those that remain in fiction are ultimately destroyed by God as they have no connection to God who is the giver of all life. For those with the eyes to see, it is clear that the world is controlled by Satan and with the ultimate goal of death to all within it. Where God is life, Satan is death it is a polar opposite to the natural order of life on earth. It seems never ending in the variations and deception people fall in serving Satan over serving God our Father in Heaven.
The only one who holds dominion over man is Yahuah, God our Father in Heaven, the creator of all that exist. Yet God our Father loves us and only intervenes when things are so out of hand that we can no longer be helped. To one extreme it came down to helping Noah and his family only as they were the only people left that were pure in their generations and were not some kind of alien hybrid of Satan. I wish God would intervene a little sooner before having to do such drastic things as flooding the earth. However it shows the extent of love God has for us and desire to see that we use our dominion to choose to follow his will rather than our own.
By the way, if you are a bit confused over why I am not using Jesus Christ or YHWY etc. I am making use of how God's true name would sound in English, based upon the work of those who sought out his true name. This video below should explain a lot along with all the other work Chris has done.
Job 9:24
“The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he?”
The wicked are controlling the world and hence they serve Satan not God. I could go on for hours about how unjust the court systems are across the world today. Primarily all of the courts in the world are controlled by the Vatican. Some would say Sharia Law is not, but Cardinal Muhammad was the one that created the false religion of Islam and the Sharia Courts may have different kinds of laws, but it is still based upon death and fiction. The Qur'an also makes use of personhood, which is a Roman term. All persons are fictional entities, you will never see God refer to his people as Persons in the Bible as nothing God created was based in fiction. This is a clear distinction of nature of all man made laws. Muhammad simply made up laws as he went along, declaring them of God without any witnesses or any of God's true prophets in the past saying anything similar as a basis for any law. Yes I am accusing Muhammad as being a liar, but then that is the true nature of Satan, the father of all lies.
The Father of all lies and yes a murderer from the beginning, Satan's world or Kingdom as he would like it to be, is filled with those who would lie and murder others to force their will. We find a very similar situation with the courts today as they make use of lies and deception to trick people into allowing force to be used upon them for the so called greater good. Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with people defending themselves against those who would use force, but doing so in ways that ultimately lead to loving your enemies. They take the actions they do out of their disconnection with God I feel, thus they are blinded to the truth or simply love to harm and commit sins against God. I tend to think it is a combination of both and in some cases people actually hate God.
When you receive a summons to court, you will notice that your name is written in all capital letters. This is a form of Dog-Latin meant to trick you into thinking that you are this name. Note that all charges are applied to the name, not man. They do not apply any charges to man, because God gave man dominion over all the earth. Thus they make up an imaginary world and use a false name to trick you into accepting the obligation of the fiction name. In truth none of us actually have names, this is what God was trying to explain to Moses when he said I am that I am. We use names as identifies, but they are not who we are in truth, yet the world needs identifies to play out it's games of control. For example who gave anyone the authority to divide up the earth into Countries? God never drew any imaginary lines, however man created boundaries for means of control within areas of the earth. God had no need or want for boundaries, but recognized their use and sought to create the promise land for Moses and the Children of Israel.
The Summons also implies that you are dead and is a form of witchcraft as they summon demons, you take on a state of being a demon within Satan's Court. You cannot summon the living, for the living exist in truth and are living beings created by God standing in their dominion over all the earth. When you are standing in your dominion over all the earth there is nothing that the dead can enforce upon you, however if they can trick you into agreeing that you are dead, and thus death is what Satan brought into God's creation and fought a war over about in Heaven and got cast out and sent to the earth I might add, It becomes clear that all authority in the world is extended over the dead, not the living.
When you go to court Add to dictionary, you are granting consent to them that you are under their authority and further you are under Satan's will, not God. As far as I know God has no Court, he has a Throne, Satan is the one with the Courts. Satan is the accuser and constantly accuses us to God, it is only through his son Yahusha that we gain salvation over death and thus all the controlling laws there in. If you use any of man's laws to defend yourself then all of man's law applies too you. This is an extremely difficult thing for most to understand, for when you use man's law, rather than expressing God's will out of the Bible, you are forgoing all your rights under God and giving in to the will of man, who is controlled by Satan. This is why it is so important to establish your dominion and return all their documents and tell them that you do not want to contract with them, nor are you a person, a fiction or corporation of any kind. You have to make it clear that you are life not death and are under God.
It is more likely than not that they will back off, because Satan does not want to entangle himself with one of God's Children for God's wrath would be horrible on those that do. Unfortunately though they make it very hard to exist outside of their world. In many cases people will write affidavits and do acceptance for value things to remedy problems, but they are partaking within SYSTEM when they do so. It is far better to express who you are and tell them what to do in their fictional based world in relation to your rule over the earth.
Some feel that the Ten Commandments are important to follow and yes they are. However Yahusha told us that the law was written on our hearts.
Roman's 2:13-15
(For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
Romans 2:18
And knowest his will, and approvest the things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the law;
- Note it is not the law that is the highest form of guidance, it is God's will as it says here in Roman's 2:18.
It is through our hearts or which comprises of love, righteousness and truth that is the highest law in God's Kingdom, which is all governed by his will, which is love at it's core.
So where did law get started? I can't say for sure, but much of my research has pointed me towards the time Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden and they disobeyed LORD God and ate fruit from the tree of knowledge. To not eat from the tree of knowledge was to protect Adam and Eve from knowing death. Thus they only existed within life and were completely connected to all of life. Genesis 2 is very interesting in that the nature of creation itself was reversed in some key ways. If you compare Genesis 1 with Genesis 2 you see that God initially created a utopia for man on earth and in Genesis 2, there was no Utopia outside of the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 1 many had all the earth as part of his Utopia where he was created equal to females as one example.
I will get into this more deeply in another article, but what I think happened was is that the war that occurred between God and Lucifer, caused an inversion of reality to take place. Thus it was Lucifer that brought about the nature of Good versus Evil or rather everything that opposite to God and his love. Because Lucifer was one of the first Angels created in Heaven he was there while God created everything. He was jealous that was not Yahusha and his pride caused the existence of a duality called good and evil. This was in essence death, because love knows no boundaries and he created division within God's Kingdom, hence why Yahusha called this a divided Kingdom. Although Love can exist here and it does, it is through the divide and conquer that control is sought. If there is no divide then there can be no conquer and thus no law. I God had to recreate the earth and take on a dualistic role based upon good and evil to accommodate the division on earth created by Lucifer in Heaven. Thus it is why when we do things based upon God's will and our dominion, it is thus based upon love and has no boundaries to its power and effect. While people use sorcery and witchcraft to control the duality paradigm, they have no power over love.
In Revelation God says that all that is good is love and all that is evil will be destroyed and he (God) will make all anew and lower New Jerusalem onto the earth for all his Saints to inhabit. Saints are all those that choose to follow his son Yahusha. Yahusha works with us to make us into a new creature, removing our animal type selves and making us into loving spiritual beings. In doing so he draws us out of the world and out of the system of law. Many people who go to church have no idea that they are involved in Baal worship and the Babylonian system. God created no church for us to worship him within. Nor did he ask us to bow at a cross and worship him. The so called modern churches of today are not supported at all in the Bible, least of which is the Catholic Church. It is purely Babylonian deities and system put over what Yahusha established for us. Many millions of people have been burned alive trying to show this truth by the Catholic Church. Nothing has really changed, they simply don't attack us directly now because it would wake up people too quickly. Instead they use indirect means by helping to spread Islam and control people through their Courts and funny money system.
If you simply sat back and looked at the sheer wealth that the Vatican has today, you would realize they could easily end world poverty and all need for wars throughout the world in a short time. However that is not their agenda and you would be wise to keep you eye on who the real enemies are of man and their deception based systems of control. Secrete Societies play a major role in keeping this entire stage show rolling, and it blows my mind when I think of how many billions of people are involved directly or indirectly with these societies and their organizations. Everyone trying to one up the other guy for a bigger piece of the pie. So much sorrow and hurt goes on and so many children abused and killed for the sake of maintaining favor over the demons they allowed into their bodies to control them. Surely I would think only a small fraction of humanity will ever make it into Heaven, while most will be destroyed by Satan. I know there are people that do a lot of good in the world to try and change things, but it simply seems that evil has been given the upper hand and the struggle to follow God's will is becoming extinct, much as it was in the days of Noah.