The Fictional World of Law

The foundation of the world legal systems is based upon a simple premise, Everything contained within it is fictional. Within the legal system there can be no life and no truth, let alone love. Yes love is the foundation for all law given to us by Yahusha in Mathew 22:34-40 KJV:
But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
All the law and the prophets, is a key statement. Yahusha is our Creator and holds all authority on heaven and earth. This also applies to Sharia law, which nullifies all if not most of it, because Sharia Law is not based upon love, but inequality and deceit to say the least. Note the word Prophets, thus Muhammad a false prophet, any and all examples he put forward in life that were not based upon love, are not law according to Yahusha our creator. Yahusha is the English translation of his true Hebrew name.
I give some pretty damning and broad reaching statements above, so how do I back up what I am saying as being true? Firstly you find that your name is written in all capital letters, which turns the name into Dog Latin and thus a legal fiction. Dog Latin is the foundation of all Legalese and Legalese is the language used in the Legal Systems. Legalese is defined by Black's 7th dictionary ( a common Law Dictionary ), as being an Jargon. If you look up the word Jargon in Webster's dictionary, it states that Jargon is an Unintelligible Language. Further only Lawyers are allowed to interpret the meaning of Legalese words and there are multiple definitions for many words in Legalese. Thus it is impossible to derive the true meaning of anything written in Legalese as it is purely gibberish or rather Babble. Babble is derived from Babylon and this is what the language really is, Babble. Further the Language is structured in such a way that allows the Judges to curse people that come before them, hence it is a form of spelling or casting spells in witchcraft. Many if not all Judges in the Legal System are Freemasons and this is their Religion hiding out in the open disguised as Justly Legal System for all.
The word Person applies to man, woman and corporations. A corporation is also defined as a person, being unnatural versus the natural person of the people who walk around. Yet in no way does God define us as being persons, we are man created as male or female by God, not persons. A natural person is defined in law as a man or woman, however the all capital name designates the PERSON as fiction, weather it is unnatural or natural. A person is an entity of fiction and takes on numerous titles of fiction, such as DEFENDANT, PROSECUTOR, INJURED PARTY, JUDGE, TRUSTEE, BENIFICUARY and on and on it goes. Again it is a world based upon fiction. A fiction can hold no rights against the living and thus there is no law within the Legal System that applies to a living man created as male or female by God. Their complete venue is that of a world based in fiction.
They entrap people through deception and lies as there is no truth held within fiction, thus anything goes. They tailor their Legal System to fit the Political climate it resides within. Constitutional law is meaningless if it goes against the agenda of the Freemasons and their controllers. Ultimately no life can exist within fiction as life only exists within truth. Ultimately it is a death cult and its aim is to bring about as much suffering and death that it can to edify it's god, Lucifer. To make a statement of truth is to dishonor Lucifer/Satan who is the Father of all lies and a murderer from the beginning.
For the most part those who get caught up in the Legal System are not followers of Yahusha. Many of the crimes committed actually go against God's commands except for those involving Taxation, Traveling and Boarder crossings. God never made any boarders for man to defend as all the earth was given over to man. The land of Israel was set aside by God for his Hebrew people, but in the beginning man was given all the earth to have dominion over. It was simply what God would allow for the Hebrews in the sight of how man had divided the region up into Kingdoms. Never forget though that God looks at everyone as his Children and it is not up to us to judge others, leave that to God.
So why do we have Judges if God tells us not to Judge? The only thing were to do was to uphold his laws, ultimately to love one another within that law. Well in God's Kingdom, you either did something or you didn't, there is no judging just remedies for the things done. A Judge is an abomination against God and he sits above all that come before him as though he/she were God. Within their world of Fiction, there is no limits on what powers a Ruler may hold over others. The only determination is how many bullets and guns you have to oppress those around you. Their are some laws that seem Just, but many are not and the benefit the minority that supports the Ruling class. The saying that all are equal before the law is simply that some have more equality than others. There are many such statements that are simply lies in the reality of how law is practice.
In reality you will never actually see the world law used within law. What you do see is, Ordinances, Bills, Statutes, Regulations, Legislation etc., but again never do they actually come out and say it is law. Law only exists in truth and God is our only law giver:
Isaiah 33:22 (KJV) For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.
There is no saving grace within the Legal System. In fact there are many people wrongfully convicted and murdered as patsies for crimes of the elite. Few cases are ever properly investigated and your freedom and life are usually depended upon how much money you have and your position within the Secret Societies that run the system. Satanists by far are the most protected segment of the population and the cover-ups of Child Rape and Sacrifice go on unstopped as Satan requires Sacrifice for the power over humanity that he gives those who follow him. It doesn't take much investigation into this to see the obvious cover-ups and dead or disappeared witnesses that occur. No jury in California has ever convicted a Celebrity of anything, because all of them are Satanists. The sold their souls for fame and money, so they are looked after.
Ultimately Satanism is a rebellion against God and all that he created. What the Fallen Angels tried to do was to bring death into Heaven and thus started a war. Death is an illusion to God and God is eternal. Imagine what would happen if God accepted death to occur in Heaven where he resides? God would no longer be able to stay in Heaven as he is eternal and Lucifer would have taken over the Throne of God. So the Fallen Angels were cast down to the earth where Satan beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden and caused both Adam and Eve to sin, hence going against God. Thus man fell with the Angels to earth and influences of Satanism on the earth have been huge ever since.
Yahusha died was hung on a tree and slayed in order to concur the curse of all sins, which was death. Yahusha's blood washes us of all sin and allows us to be present with the Father in Heaven. People can apply for a Pardon so that they can have the criminal past wiped clean so they can travel the world and get jobs that don't allow people with criminal records to hold, such as a Judge perhaps? At any rate the system mimic's God's way of doing things in some ways. This is because ultimately God is in control of it all and as much as the Satanists are fooling themselves about going against God. I think this is simply that they are insane expecting that they can hide from God and have their way with everything. Do as though wilt shall be the whole of the law, as Allister Crowdie stated. It is more like do as thou wilt so long as you don't catch a bullet in the head while doing it. Hence we see Pizza Gate being covered up and child trafficking continues unabated within the system for example.
I hear many people say that the west is based upon Judeo Christian values. First in Judaism the Talmud takes precedence over the Torah and many Judges issue their Judgements based upon the Talmud and laws are constructed based upon the Talmud as well, especially those involving money. The Christian part is referencing the Catholic Church or the Vatican to be more accurate. No where in the Bible did the Apostles ever accept the word Christian as a way to describe their congregations. Christian means to be a stupid idiot when you follow the etymology up. The Talmud simply says that anyone who is not a Jew is an animal and it is okay to steal and lie to them. They have no rights. The Christian aspect means that there is one Universal Church, being the Catholic Church and everyone is a PERSON a float on a ship being their all cap name upon the Holy See (Sea). It is Canon Law that is seen as the highest most law on the earth and in it, it states that the Holy See may not be Judged by anyone. Thus giving the Vatican the power to do as thou wilt. The amount of Pedophile Priests and the outright worship of Lucifer along with Babylonian doctrine and worship built into every aspect of the Church, boggles my mind how anyone could possible believe that they are following Yahusha in any form or manner, yet over a billion people seem to call themselves Catholics. It is quite okay to sin as much as you want and the priest will forgive you of your sins all the time. The only one that can forgive you of your sins is God, and the Pope calls himself the Vicar of Christ, hence meaning standing in for God or rather the Pope is God.
Yes do as thou wilt is the foundation of a fiction based system, since no fiction can prove that it has any rights or freedom, because it doesn't exist in truth. Only life can claim rights and freedom under God their creator, a fiction can't even speak, which is why you have a Mr. or Madam SPEAKER in Legislatures. As the dead cannot speak, it requires life to do animate the dead. In fact people are practicing necromancy in the Legislatures and the courts by making use of fiction based persons that are indeed dead. The worship of the dead is also a sin as it puts the dead above God and only God our Father in Heaven deserves worship. Not even Yahusha desires worship, it all goes to the Father.
At any rate when you have a system that is based upon fiction, anything goes. Everyone involved has agreed to play the game, knowingly or not. Most are unknowingly playing out their role in the great deception. They give their consent simply by showing up in court and giving the court tacit authority over them by trying to defend a matter in fiction of which they hold all authority over in their game of fiction and death. The ultimate penalty of course being the Death Penalty. Interestingly they provide the New Testament in the Jails for all and if one simply used Love thy Neighbor argument within it, it would destroy all the lies and deceit that go on within the system. They do this I think because they have to disclose the truth to you so they don't get cursed by God for lying to you. If you do not know the truth then you only know lies and they will Judge you on that bases alone in their imaginary world.
Again I would mention that Sharia Law is not law at all as it comes from a false pedophile prophet that had been a Cardinal in the Catholic Church that simply wanted perpetuate evil. I would strongly urge those involved in Islam to leave it as soon as possible and awaken to the deceit around you. Yahusha is the truth, the way and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Yahusha. Allah is not God, but Satan in another name.