Questioning Authority

For most people on earth we are exposed to authority figures from the time we are babies to when we take our last breath. In fact history is filled with stories of great leaders and their noble or perhaps less than noble accomplishments. Authority is something, which at around the age of 2 or 3 we begin to rebel against as we learn the word no. We learn that just because someone tells us to do something we actually have a choice as to if we will comply to do what we are told. Usually our first few attempts at asserting ourselves results in some form of punishment, which we are then conditioned through a reward system for complying and a very uncomfortable result for not complying.
To say it simply this has never changed through thousands of years. In fact the Parent model sticks with us through our entire life, where in our Teens we usually are strong enough to break free of most of the Parenting Authority as we run to our new Parent the Government. Government is made of two words, Govern, which means to control and ment, which means mental or rather mind, Govern Mind authority system. Within the Govern Mind systems of which there are many controllers all vying to induce you into being a slave for them utilizing slightly more lethal means of control versus corporal punishment or simply grounding us for a week etc. In fact a certain percentage of the population moves into positions of power so that they can rule over others or dish out punishment as they see fit for those who do no comply with their authority. It always seems that the parent role of disciplining others never leaves us through out our entire life. There is only one true way to escape it and Yahusha explained it quite simply, to love our enemies.
Mathew 43-48
Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
There is no doubt that we must care for our children in ways so they do not harm themselves or bring harm to others and this can be managed in a loving way for most cases. But in some situations God does say use the rod as not to harm, but to awaken the child to the notion of accountability for harm that they do to others. As we grow up though that accountability grows into loving others and caring about others in it simply is not our nature to bring intentional harm to others. Within a Secular system there is no definition for the world Love. You will not find it defined in Law dictionaries as everything within law is about obeying the law or be punished for not doing so. Do you not see that Law and those that enforce and practice it are stuck at a developmental stage of a 3 year old? In fact much of the behaviour we see in adults, whom many aspire and look up to are really only operating at a level of maturity of a 3 year old using their playground rules to control what goes on in the sand box.
So if the system can't grow up and leave the parent model behind and simply love one another, there is little hope that Justice will move beyond Oppression or a belief in freedom which is in truth saturated with laws for the masses, which do not seem to apply to the parents or rather controllers of the system. For example the Queen is a Sovereign thus no laws apply to her. Special privileges are extended to people in power where certain laws or all laws for example do not apply to them as it is with the US Congress. Further exemptions are extended to invisible controllers or people in certain positions within Secret Societies. In fact the Military has a legal right to strip you of all your rights and freedoms and even kill you, but how dare you lay a hand on them for killing innocent civilians in all the various ways wars and non wars do. Police Officers seem to have the power to kill people and not be held accountable for their actions either.
The common denominator to all this again is of course, nobody is following God's way of doing things. The pure hypocrisy of people by the hundreds of millions calling themselves Christian, yet few ever bother to read the Bible or get to know what their creator wants of them? In fact to be a true disciple of Yahusha is be a lamb among the wolves, it is not fun nor much rewarding, yet we know no good can come of oppressing others, when in truth what they really need is to be loved and set free. What you have to realize that those who believe in this way of life have had their spiritual growth stunted to the level of a 3 year old. Love is perhaps an emotion they feel, but putting into practice when faced with controversy is beyond their capacity. Do you think Yahusha and the Apostles had some controversy and difficulties to face? No one want to take the path that leads to the narrow gate, most want the path that leads to the wide gate of destruction. Most would rather oppress or fight, rather than love others, thus few read the Bible and fewer yet take the lessons to heart and allow the law to be written on their hearts.
So this brings us to the question, how is it that others actually hold authority over you? What is it that they have that you don't that determines somehow that they get to make all the rules and punish you if you happen to disagree with them? Where does their authority come from? If you ask a Judge where does he get his authority from, he/she will not likely answer you, but throw you in prison for Contempt of Court. You see you are not allowed to question authority. If they do answer you it is likely that they will say the law of the land says I have authority over you or the King gave me authority over you. Yet where did the land, the King or a Court gain authority to give authority to some man or woman over you? God says we have dominion over all the earth, thus the land we are standing on is the land that each of us rule over. The Court is simply an imaginary construct made up by man, no court has any life to it, it has no living ability to give any authority. A King or Queen may say they get their Authority from God and they have the divine right to Rule, yet they can't seem to point out where God said that they could rule over you. The Pope, yes the Pope the Vicar of Christ, the Holy Father, yes he must be the one with all the authority right? Well please point out where in the Bible God said a Pope could have authority over man; it isn't there. In fact the Catholic Church is simply a front for the Babylonian Religion of Nimrod, Sun Worship; which is of course Satanism.
Of course it is Satan that says he has authority over man and rules over man through all the various puppets, be them Imams, Pastors, Popes, Police Officers, Ministers, Priests, Prime Ministers, Kings, Queens and on and on the list goes. In order to facilitate the ease of control the force you to use fiat worthless currency as a form of money so that you can never financially get above a certain level, unless you comply with their system or eventually act as a willing oppressor within it. The ones that oppress the most are rewarded the most. Celebrities created great works of art, but much of it glorifies the Satanic belief system their controllers. Again they are rewarded for complying with those who have authority over them and ruined if they don't comply. Yahusha said money was the root of all evil and I don't doubt it. God gave us all the earth and in it he provided us with fruit, fish, animal life in huge abundance and asked us to care for it. Well we can see how that went, when people are spiritually stunted to the age of 3.
In truth no man has any provable authority over anyone. Only God has authority over man. Yahusha actually dismantled most of the Mosaic Laws when he came, eliminating the need for animal sacrifice for sins or the need to interact with the "Priest" class in any way as he gave us a way to ask for forgiveness and healing through himself via our Father in Heaven. He said he is the way, the truth and life and no one comes to the Father except through me. Yahusha gave us a way through love, repentance and prayer to overcome difficulties with our fellow man. It is only in the interest of the Infant controllers who are so lost spiritually that they cling to power as a security blanket, much like their god Satan does. At least those still alive have a can change and stop oppressing God's people and become free themselves by choosing to follow Yahusha and take the narrow path. It is far harder to love others than it is to oppress them, which is why when those who set out to love, grow spiritually and become hated by the world so much, for once they know the truth within them, no amount of oppression from the controllers to get them to comply will work anymore.
The world wants to make the Universe do what it wants, rather than allow the Universe to unfold as God intended. The use of witchcraft is very prevalent among the those in the Legal System and positions of power. They worship gods through sacrificing innocence and drinking blood and eating flesh. They like Cain who killed his brother Able, rebel against God and hate him. God is love so, they see themselves as love, for which others should worship them and bow to them for everyone else is less than they are. Their ego's like Lucifer is highly inflated, which hides the hurt unloved 3 year old within them. It is sad that they take so much pleasure in seeing others suffer and die for their whimsical causes and devotion to their god Satan.
So in a nut shell no one has any provable authority over you. You have a choice to love others and follow the difficult narrow path to the gate that gives you eternal life and love. A very high price was paid for your sins and it is a free gift to all who would believe in Yahusha and follow his ways. It is never going to be easy as again those that do are hated horribly by those in power, because we only care about loving others even onto our own death as this life is only temporary at best. It is our choice to be destroyed through hate or be loved and set free by our Creator for loving others rather than hating and trying to oppress them.